
Thursday, 19 September | 16:15

Join Werner Krauß (wmk) and Lukas Erni (lerni) as they revisit their 2016 talk—revamped and reloaded for today's development landscape. Discover how containerized environments with DDEV have transformed debugging into a smoother, more efficient process. We'll dive into the evolution of debugging techniques, showcase handy tools like the Silverstripe DebugBar and SSShell, and share tips to make bug hunting less of a chore and more of a craft.


Werner Krauss

Netwerkstatt, AT

From lower Bavaria, he began with string instruments, mastering precision and big-picture thinking—skills he now uses in programming. A PHP expert since 1998 and skilled in Silvestripe, he values clear, rigorous solutions and strong client relationships. With a knack for complex processes and exotic interfaces, he’s always seeking new challenges and aims to continuously improve as a programmer, entrepreneur, and tech expert.

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Lukas Erni

Kraftausdruck, CH

With a background in architecture drafting, IT, and over 15 years of web development experience, Lukas enjoys working across frontend and backend. He consults clients to develop automated solutions that streamline processes and enhance business value. Lukas values collaborating with experts from various fields, maintaining efficient communication and decision paths while integrating multiple disciplines. In his free time, he enjoys family life, beekeeping, nature, and DIY tinkering.